The Health Benefits of Low-Impact Cardio Workouts: Evan Bass Men’s Clinic

Cardio workouts aim to keep every part of the body fit, improve the digestive system, keep the respiratory system healthier, and more. Unarguably, it’s a great activity that helps individuals shun undesired fat while making them feel energized and stay on the go at all times. Although there is a wide misconception that the way high-intensity interval training promotes absolute well-being, low-impact cardio cannot. According to Evan Bass Men’s Clinic, this is completely a wrong conception because even low-impact cardio aerobics can serve the same way as HIIT. Explore the health benefits of low-impact cardio to get started.

Evan Bass Men’s Clinic

Great for the heart

Regardless it is low-intensity or high-intensity, cardio is empowered to reinforce the heart and keep away from chronic diseases. This simply means, there is no hard and fast rule that individuals need to carry out uphill sprints to battle heart diseases. In reality, performing low-impact workouts can provide equivalent support to heart health and help individuals avoid the possible risks of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, or stroke.

Ideal for shredding unwanted fat

Akin to HIIT cardio training, low-intensity cardio has the potential to burn unwanted body fat. Rather than arguing on this point, simply understand that the only difference between high-impact and low-impact workouts is – that while low-impact workouts need individuals to undergo the activity session for a longer time, HIIT takes less time. So, irrespective of the type of cardio performed, they can aid by burning fat and shredding weight. Evan Bass Men’s Clinic recommends individuals carry out either high-impact or low-impact cardio depending on their physical condition, preference, availability of time, and workout settings.

Great for relieving stress

Low-impact workouts are ideal to relieve stress. It is worth noting that low-impact exercises put less strain on muscles, joints as well as the whole body since the secretion of lower cortisol levels helps keep the mindset relaxing and calmer. On the other hand, high-impact workouts are more likely to heighten the cortisol level making one physically or mentally stressed. Thus, low-impact workouts are great solutions to attain physical and mental health instead of adding unwanted stress to an individual.

Perfect for reducing injuries

This is one of the leading reasons why an increasing number of athletes and common people prefer low-intensity cardio as opposed to high-impact cardio. Because when it comes to high-impact cardio workouts, the chances of injuries are more common. So, it makes sense to derive the same outcome while keeping the risk of being injured lower. On the other hand, HIIT workouts need lots of physical exertion to correctly perform the exercise. If you have a limited range of motion or you’re not as physically mobile to perform the workout, there’s a greater chance of injury in your joints, tissue, and muscles.


Performing low-impact cardio activities is simply a great idea to avail all the above health benefits and stay fit for elderly individuals, new fitness enthusiasts, or anyone who has suffered from an injury or illness. Choosing an ideal set of low-impact workouts walking, cycling, yoga, and swimming among others helps maintain fitness at an optimal level while putting fairly low stress on muscles and joints. However, there is nothing to fear in high-impact workouts too. According to experts, it is wise to initiate low-impact workouts to develop the core, strengthen muscles and make the body enduring to withstand the intensity of high-impact workouts. Before changing the workout plans make sure to consult with fitness experts.


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