How To Plant Cherry Trees


The cherry plants and trees make a beautiful site during the spring. Their pink and white blossoms are breathtaking sites enjoyed by everyone. The two main types of cherry plants include the “sweet” cherries and the “sour” cherries. The rich, thick, and “plum-like” sweet cherries grow in the hardness zones varying from 5 to 7. On the other hand, the sour cherries are smaller when compared to the sweet cherries and may grow in hardness zones varying between 4 to 6. A cherry tree will usually bear fruit from the fourth year of the plantation. A mature cherry tree can produce an average of 40 quarts of cherries every year while dwarf trees can also produce up to 15 quarts.

Cherry Trees

 Planting a Cherry Tree

 Cherry trees should be planted during the late fall or the early spring season when the ground and the land are soft and have a good moisture content. Also, ensure that the soil has been well drained and has ample air circulation. The pH level of the soil can be somewhere between 6 to 7. The cherry trees and plants may require up to 6 hours of sunlight every day.

  • The dwarf cherry plants should be planted at least 9 ft apart.
  • The tart cherry plants should have approximately 22 feet between them.
  • The sweet cherries should be planted approx. 37 feet apart.

 You also need to apply water and mulch to the plantation area. Remember that birds can threaten cherry fruits. You may have to put some netting in to ensure that the trees are draped and are not exposed to wildlife.

Steps for Planting Cherry Trees

 Below are the important steps that you can follow to plant cherry trees.

  • A graft union (measuring a few inches) of the plant can be planted below the soil. However, the dwarf stock must be planted with the graft union a few inches above the level of the soil.
  • Remember to construct the supports before you plant a cherry tree.
  • If it is a bare-root tree, you must place the stock (of the root) on a soil mound within the planting hole’s center. Ensure that the roots are moving away and downwards and are not bent.
  • If you are trying to grow the cherry tree using a container, you must remove the root ball first. Do not put any kind of cover on the root ball’s top while planting.

 When you want expert advice as well as high-quality seeds and plants of fruit trees including cherry, you can always reach out to expert suppliers and a reputable company, CRJ Fruit Trees. You will find a wide range of fruit seeds here with high output and yield and buy cherry trees at an affordable cost.

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